Friday, July 21, 2006

Melting moments?!! i sweat so much to wash ,peel n cut these fruits n my sis slyly put them in these gorgeous glasses n stole the credit... the fruit salad vth icecream was mmmmmmmch!


Radha said...

Lovely pics...all of them...

Padmini Satish Kumar said... mouth is watering..
I dint know that munny can do fruit salad so well....munny when r u calling us for a dinner..:D..

surely munny takes the credit..:D..some to u too.. for such a nice kachaak..!

Rama Deepthi Muddu said...

ha ha..thanx malini n padmini... n as i said.. i took pains n she takes away the credit!poor jeeju- he also helped me in arranging..this idiot took the credit!