Sunday, December 18, 2005

an original pic..unaltered.... i liked the back ground shades... evening near hill top guest house... the climate was wow !! Posted by Picasa

orange rose... my inlaw does maintain a gr8 variety of plants that too roses..what do u say ? Posted by Picasa

a pink bud... its so silly of me to name them... its obviously a pink bud!! any ways i finished a line if thats what i want to do...!? do u believe if i say i dont like flowers too much... i seriously dont like them... but vth the amount of pics i have on flowers... i think i have to rethink about my likes n dislikes... !Posted by Picasa

some flowers... i dont know their names...but looking gr8 arent they? Posted by Picasa

a pink rose in my inlaws garden...hey i think i am filling my blog vth his garden treasures itself...but cudnt resist clicking them..... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 17, 2005

wasnt i talking about different colours of roses in my inlaws garden ? here they r... green, n some other flowers too....
but the credit goes to me too coz i decorated this....
 Posted by Picasa

sunrise view from my terrace... i liked the coconut trees

green rose ...real one... i am seeing it for the first time.. from my inlaws garden...they have a wide variety of rosesn rare plants... intresting hobby isnt it ?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

my bags collection.... thought i wud show them all to pouches...card to hold bills...a small bag for coins...mostly jute bags as i have a crush on mugs n camera pouch too...from branded to street types...everything...i have crush for bags....quite a collection rite?!! not jus mine.., i share them vth my sis too...( coz i bought them vth her money..!!! oops!) Posted by Picasa